Welcome to my website

I am an illustrator and have been working in the field of children’s books for 23 years.
During those years I have worked with stimulating publishing houses and lovely people whom I would like to thanks for their guidance with their talent and professional skills.
In particular, I would like to mention Bernand Girodroux, the much lamented Artistic Director of Nathan in Paris.
I would like to thank Linda Cole, for whom I started working in 1994 (at the time she was Design Director at Dorling Kindersley in London), and in recent years I was extremely pleased to work with other London-based publishing houses: Marshall and Pinwheel.
Mary Cartwright , Art Director at Usborne of London: during the 2000 edition of the Bologna book fair, she noticed my works exhibited at "Illustrator's Exhibition" and gave me the opportunity to illustrate 7 books of the Beginners series. I would also like to thank all the designers – Zoe Wray in particular – and authors – especially Anna Milbourne – who helped me in illustrating that series.
Finally, I would like to mention two new fantastic clients - Agaworld (Korea) and Denise Ryan & Associates (Australia).
Enjoy your stay and have a beautiful day!